In the 1970s I was followed “back to the U.S.” by Russians and people from Malta. I was too young and not connected. I was TOLD… those strong adults were hired to work for Los Angeles/Hollywood back then. I was not their leadership ever. I assume BYCORP connected gang members knew of them or hired them?
Which Justin claims 8015 as his own? Honestly. Is there still a MALE “Justin” that claims 8015? If there is one connected, HE TOO is much better for gang people to know. One of them TOLD PEOPLE he wanted to replace me in Hollywood also in the 1970s. I bring up this name because I may have gone to Popeye in Malta in the 1970s INSTEAD OF HIM… and he was a more legit gang member contact than I was.
I am NOT the WEALTHY WIFE AT HOME. I’m not married to a male gang member either.
Is no one UPDATING PEOPLE? Or is that what is going on? Gang members trying to cross paths with me when I’m out in public? It is really strange to me that people are behaving like they don’t know me.