People took notes on what I was doing in the 1970s before one of the Mike’s “stopped” me. He told people he was going to stop who I was abruptly. It did happen. It also allowed bigger people to take off running with all kinds of contacts, deals, money and ideas while I was left far behind to get beat up and drugged, revived and it happened over and over again. In the year 2020, I started getting memory back about the old Amblin prototype vessel while on it. I realized what was transpiring around me and I realized I didn’t have a lot of memories… they were very fragmented and scattered. I was not able to predict much, nor was I able to BEG PEOPLE TO STOP TRAFFICKING ME. It was like being put on a complicated theme park ride and NO WAY OFF.
A lot has happened in recent years and I know the ride isn’t over yet, though I may be cycling out of Hollywood and professional work in L.A. of any kind for good.
A long time ago TWO “Donnas” possessed the prototype boat and it got put in the dry lot and they went to L.A. to work. Looked like “older Clinton” people were surrounding and protecting them. I was mugged and taken away, eventually back to Hawaii. I’m not going back to Hawaii now. I am stuck in San Diego, somewhat like what people were trying to do in the 1970s. I have a feeling more than one Donna who was participating with Hollywood has actually retired away themselves. Do people realize back then(1970s) there were Hollywood companies still in business like Pacific Title and Art Studio, Orion, TriStar, newcomer Illusion Arts and more? I bring up “old company names” because I visited them and they are no more. People moved on to other companies and also retired. I can’t go visit now. Why is it important to note “companies are gone, people retired”? It means old deals are done also.
What I am surprised at, and now maybe other people are also… why was I so mugged in life? Not just a few times in the 1970s, many many times throughout my life. I’m not certain what was going on to cause it. Now that I have affirmed and reaffirmed and acknowledged that older, tougher people: gang members took my place in many places before I could walk and talk. Using my likeness or identity in some way years before I was legal enough to drive a car or even ride on a plane by myself.
Clearly, I was not meant to be a regular contact in person for many people. So many were very happy that I was sitting at home not doing much, nor thinking much all these decades. Why do I say they approve? I’ve done it a lot in life. I’ve actually not been meeting much at all with friends, neighbors, work contacts, political party colleagues and more. I’ve been mostly quiet at home no job, no agenda.