I could not be “Pamela Harris” who did become a known producer in Hollywood and retired. That woman GOT MUGGED herself, please don’t seek her out. In the 1970s I came up with, “Can I be ‘Kamala’ with ‘Pamela’?” I believe I had met her very briefly in Hollywood. The people she was with directed her and others to ANNOUNCE that I personally would NOT GET FUNDED in Hollywood with MAFIA MONEY. This was a very key happening! The gangsters obviously already had deals in L.A. for making content throughout the studio system.
The reason I bring this up… is because not long after I asked about being “Kamala” I was taken to a party in La Jolla, CA and to a brown skinned adult woman(in her 30s?) who looked gangster/political/executive business and I was TOLD, “This is HER, NOT YOU.” In other words, I was NOT allowed to even keep the nickname “Kamala Harris” a sidekick to “Pamela Harris” at a distance. The people who were wrangling me… may or may not have known that I knew Pamela back then. There were some very high level gangsters in La Jolla, CA in the 1970s from many countries, as well as Hollywood stars.
What I want people to know is: I DO NOT KNOW ANY OF THE KAMALA’s and am NOT CERTAIN who their people are in San Diego right now. Nor do I know HOW I WAS USED to help or moved out of the way a long time ago. Honestly, I DO NOT KNOW what the snoopers got or didn’t get from me personally.
I NEVER got to work with Pamela either. I’ve gotten to visit a long time ago she and some of her people, they looked very retired and far away from Hollywood.
I was very trafficked myself, and never got to know people well anywhere.