Likely. At minimum a “Joshua” and “Donna” from BYCORP wanted to be more important to their people. They looked young, perhaps teens. He admitted he was killing me. He battered and drugged me himself in person. They were at least 10 years older? They took me to their criminal looking “father” themselves in Chula Vista, CA as well as Los Angeles, CA — different occasions. He looked very Incan, tough, bilingual.
I overheard it said in person: PEOPLE WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO FOLLOW ME TO HAWAII FROM HOLLYWOOD. Many snoopers did, including those two. I saw them complaining arguing why they did it.
At some point I said I’d try to help them. However I got so mugged (possibly by others) I completely forgot about them MOST OF MY LIFE. In fact I am not certain which people they are now.
Honestly, most of my life I DID NOT TRY HARD TO LEARN THINGS. I honestly often let others teach me. I was too injured and sick/drugged. Easier to let others LEAD ME. I may have gotten very injured from attacks when I did look like I was teaching myself or learning by myself in the 1970s and 80s. It appeared some gang children even drugged me after they may have talked to me or taught me a little something.
Some were crazy to make me “look like a baby”. However… NO ONE WANTED TO TAKE CARE OF ME. They were treating me like an ABANDONED BABY… and I did get sick, very sick at times and even kidnapped/stolen by other gang members.