There Was Some Yelling on the ‘wind’ Not Long Ago Today: I Replaced a German War Criminal…

Here. In the United States. I also DID NOT get the pay off money early in life to allow me to fund/pay off others and I needed it. “$2 million” was brought up on the ‘wind’.

I’d like to add this… Germans were not fooled. They were against me a lot and more than once admitted they were treating me like a Jew.

Interesting way to be handled and trafficked, eh Canadians? I bring them up because early on I was given messaging that I was not their target, they were VERY ANGRY with people in Hollywood.

I know it is more complicated than this. For instance, I may have been stuck to the identity, and they used ME as the one at home TO BE REPLACED in public and non-public work places BY A LONG LIST OF PEOPLE.