the ‘wind’ Making Noises, Pointing at Me as a Money Person For a Lot of People. My Response: No. Here’s Why.

You need to read my blog post about me being mugged at Firebaugh, CA. They knew I was not the money person, and wanted me so low in income I fell off the map and matrix of people. If you are pointing at me, you may be pointing THROUGH ME at a group of people that includes politicians and governments. Some people agreed to make me be a figurehead for a while a long time ago… which means the one to talk to at the front of a syndicate. The big boys and gals wanted to own the money and real clout. It made me a child and adult for a while. I have not held that position in a long time, though some people still have a little respect for my contributions. I was replaced a very long time ago. I am not a leadership person, not a pretend one either. Out in public some think of me as a ghost these days, some don’t think I exist at all. I’m NOT in the driver’s seat of anything. I barely have a handle on my own small life these days.