My response is: I do not know if this is truth or not. I do vaguely remember some criminal-behaving people who said they were neighbors of hers. What I don’t know is if she herself was a criminal-minded or criminal-connected person. Not certain that I met any real L.A.-based relatives. I was grabbed so often in my youth I am not certain who my real family members were… to this day I am not certain who was who. I don’t think people told me all kinds of things I was supposed to know.
What I can relate is I am authentically NOT WELL. I am aged now, youth is not on my side. Old internal injuries are catching up on me, and I am now also minus a gall bladder and it is affecting my daily life. I’m slower to recover my health than I used to, and I can’t just take meds to cover ailments as I have to confront them and seek out assistance in healing not only symptoms but also the causes of them. Honestly am not out in public doing fun or busy or work things at all. Verifiably at home not far from the bathroom and kitchen, laying and sitting around a lot of the day. Am very sorry as I cannot do much for others now other than help them move on from me to more capable people.

I have a feeling that I was a designated SICK CHILD a long time ago which means I’m supposed to be retired away from any duties to any companies, groups, organizations, families and more.
The reason I believe this truth because people have been very slow to stagnant about getting me healed in the past. Meaning, there was never a rush to have me fully healed and prepared to work on something. For instance: if they wanted me to get people in person well, I would have been on the list for a Tesla(and then gotten one eventually even part time) and a semi-regular at Disney’s Club33. I give this notion because I’ve visited Tesla and Club33 long ago on polite terms in person, however it was very clear they planned on bigger people being the main event. I’d have to be in good health and prepared to be interacting with important peoples from both places most of time, not on rare occasions!