the ‘wind’ is Complaining Again, Noting I am NOT the ONE They Actually Wanted in the Neighborhood

My hunch is they are disappointed I didn’t “come back with a lifetime of earnings to share”. A long time ago I wasn’t supposed to be in this neighborhood and they grabbed me, asked for money, figured out HOW TO SELL ME OUT… and they made money off me back then knowing I was messed up for life because of it. I would not get good earnings, career and my own family unit as a spouse and co-head of household. They also kept me a “baby” back then because they didn’t tell me what to expect in life and what was going on.

the ‘wind’ has been upset, angry that they are admitting I got trafficked and rarely were things arranged and why I got beat up over and over again.

Also there is a talk that Mexicans tried to make me look Mexican in the 1970s and 80s. That I was not released from all kinds of holds and was supposed to be before I was an adult. Doesn’t bother me too much about people trying to help me fit into California, however I was really messed up by all kinds of people, Mexicans also.

“They had to kill Sarah,” –the ‘wind’

My response: Yes, I believe one of the smaller Mexican Donovans did say it was going to happen. I was into my teens and didn’t know the full extent of what was going to happen. BECAUSE THEY KNEW IT… why don’t people know I do not need to pay in anywhere? Not capable.