a “small me” is Thinkfast Media. Not certain who is handling “bigger me” these days. (KSPL people)

You NEED TO KNOW THIS! The “smaller me” is likely the non-gang member Sarah of Thinkfast Media. She would NOT KNOW who the “big me” people are these days because there have been no reminders or contracts. This baby does not know who the actual surrogates are, likely because when she was very young MANY were connected at KSPL and not everyone on it was announced in public places. She herself may not have been announced as being on KSPL too!

People were warned on the Twitter feed they may get little Thinkfast Media woman out in public. Not as bright as many others. Please don’t pick on her, she wouldn’t have a clue who is who. That small! (physically not tiny though)

Very likely Marc Zicree has “bigger me” KSPL people up in L.A. He may still be one of them.