May be doing a good job for others. What I found is I was forced with “closed doors” and no money to carry and I ended up in all kinds of places unable to talk with people. Sometimes I just talked to myself. I was beat up and removed, sometimes taken hundreds of miles away, sometimes kept for weeks at unknown locations. Eventually I made it home… which wasn’t always one I knew. That was the 1970s and 80s mostly. The 1990s and 2000s had many other problems. I was told by the mid 2000s that “t. pac.” wasn’t a factor as much, or less interested.
I bring this all up again because this is WHY I am supposed to be “dead at home” and NO LONGER BOTHERED. Gang members made promises, have been arrested, shot at for decades, even thrown over the southern border fence already.
What’s even more amazing is NO ONE has referred to me IN PERSON… as a “Spielberg” in a VERY VERY long time. The Van Nuys Courthouse people have recognized me to this pen name since 2021 or so.