Templeton’s People Knew I was Too Small(by myself) in the 1970s

Many of them also were in big cities, “took my place” at least sometimes in the 1970s. I say it this way because they were already established adults(or mature teens). They themselves carried ideas to bigger people. I was supposed to be back in Honolulu, HI going to school..? La Jolla kicked me out claiming “Clinton was there already.”

Prior to age 5-7 years old, I was probably more connected with migrants who were leaving again by the late 1970s. This may have included DESILU people as well as all kinds of others connected. This company was sold out to Paramount or its parent company and it became Paramount Television. I’m certain that’s how I got to visit all kinds of established AND NEW Paramount IPs early in life.

I WAS NOT ON THE “PARAMOUNT DEAL” though I was brought around like the child I was back then in the 1970s. I was honestly too young to be included on that level of paperwork adults had arranged for themselves. THIS ONE appeared to hire or re-hire past DESILU connected people. Brace your eyes for this next paragraph.

I LOST IT COMPLETELY YELLING AND SCREAMING LIKE A MAD WOMAN when I found out in person that one or more “gay looking man or men” were “replacing” me on the “Paramount deal” and I was NOT TO BE PAID OR INCLUDED and they my have been using my ideas and possibly my name(s) and this was going to go on a VERY LONG TIME*. I was under 10 years old. In fact because they were doing this, I was to be HIGHLY BLOCKED. And because I was NOT HIRED, I COULD NOT SPEAK WITH ANYONE RELATED TO ANYTHING. Which may explain why people HAD TO PRETEND** THINGS AND BEAT ME UP A LOT claiming I was “someone completely different” when they figured out what actually happened.

*That deal is only now ending. Paramount Television only in recent years closed up and laid off thousands of people.

**That I was somehow married to Joshua Kushner Jr.’s peoples in San Diego, CA. He was a Mexican gang banger. The nice one knew of the troubles. The “evils ones” really injured me over and over claiming they wanted to be IN PERSON for Universal Studios Inc. for COMCAST also Amblin Inc. in the 1970s+, and the U.S. WHITE HOUSE. More than one was a snooper cult connected person.

As a youth I knew the problem somewhat. People needed me involved and yet not involved. This was NOT EASY TO make happen. OBVIOUSLY I GOT MESSED UP BADLY. I have a feeling others did also. What you need to understand is, I never got a contract as an adult… not a real one… except the one as a visual effects assistant for Fast and Furious on one movie. My connections were so rusty and old, I didn’t know any one well and hardly even recognized faces from the past. I couldn’t get much done for anyone, and people drugged me while on the show after I was beaten up more than once. They let me come back severely dumbed down. I laughed too, okay? After I tried out real production work for almost a year and left… I laughed too. TOO HARD A WORK FOR A WEAK PERSON LIKE ME. I was forced to be a weak person. If I had been well cared for my entire life I would have been stronger.

What likely went wrong is key people who knew me before I was born and my youngest years that were migrants LEFT THE U.S. I had all kinds of troubles in my youth and it was obvious not everyone knew me at all. I could only sense the change… the switch from people who knew me to those who did not at all.

If I was supposed to eventually replace “Donald Duck Trump” the original one even in a small way, not whole one… I was not prepared for it ever. It also looked like people created a big one to replace that smallish man. They may have created a variety of gang members to replace the original man? Which means I HAD NO HOPE GETTING A REAL JOB POSITION WITH PEOPLE… not even with the gangs themselves! Are you all aware??? Without this little position, I could not even circle back easily to JUST SPEAK WITH PEOPLE… tell them how messed up I am, or what went badly in the 1970s. I did have to be something VERY DIFFERENT… it may have confused people. One of my key original “clout connections” may have been that smallish man nicknamed Donald Duck Trump for a while. And he knew I was small also by myself.

The other thing some did not think about: WHEN I JOINED with others, they got boosted BY ME for a while. By myself I wasn’t as high value as when I was with others in person. TEAMED UP I helped boost smaller people. At least in the 1970s. 1980s… not so much by then. By the 1980s I was very blocked in all kinds of places and replaced at Punahou School. I just was not as interesting even as a little girlfriend. People seemed more focused on just messing me up–and I couldn’t figure out why. I didn’t have money to steal.