Taking Any Credit in the 1970s

the ‘wind’ is grumpy at me about this. My response is: I HAD TO enough because the deals INCLUDED ME. Without me, no money. Also I wanted to GET OUT AGAIN ASAP. Means I “did enough, need to leave, exit now.” ALSO… I had to clearly stand in before someone could take my place. I was not clear to me also WHO WAS taking notes. The note takers needed credit also having worked with me. It was only verbal on the notes any way. I was not signing documents, and if I wrote on documents I was under aged, not legal to them 100% at all. Back then I could see the “Steven’s” were not getting all the screen credits as it was. And that means Amblin and a variety of companies were being sold out. I was trying to stop it enough so the ADULTS COULD TAKE THE CREDIT… the SURROGATES (claiming to be connected to little me) who had/have the contracts in L.A.+

People need to know I was actually USED for all kinds of people I NEVER MET. Clearly, my name is not on productions nor did I get paychecks or contacts from “taking credit during location scouts”.

Also, I tried to take credit for things because I actually HAD MORE CLOUT than some people around me. If they were to assume the credit, they needed the note of WHO THEY WERE STEALING IT FROM. Some people had deals to SPECIFICALLY TAKE THINGS FROM ME ONLY. If I said something in person I had to take credit for it so others could use, move forward with the ideas.

I was not planning to write this out, the ‘wind’ harassed me about it so I answered. I really need to move on from blogging and spend more time in the wilderness. I cannot participate with the entertainment biz people these days anyway. I’m too dead.