There was a talented young adult who was a real terrorized artist and a gang member who I was below in the 1970s for a while. He was authentically connected and making money with others in Hollywood. I believe people gave him ideas to sell, including my own. It appeared he left and I got kidnapped to replace him for a while. It may be why people insisted I was a boy that looked like a girl, or a trans person. AND why I needed to be replaced because it appeared no one wanted to adopt me as a part of all kinds of things in person.
I tried to be something for people but it got very out of hand and long term. Look at us all now. I’m sitting at home begging for PEACE with gangs and gang members because I am so broken, sick, old and isolated with no hope of new work and money in life. I cannot be that mythical Mike who was talented, well connected and FUNDED.