Reminder: The “Donna’s” Were Hired People, I Was Just on a Stipend With Permission to Visit Places

The trouble is, the bigger people often used me as an influencer and told the Donna’s their thoughts. More than one Donna was asked to copy my likeness at times. She was an adult, I was not a gang member, so she/they knew how to handle other gang members.

The people matrix I was a part of was complicated I guess? I’m too old now to want to sit around and think about it. I’m still ill too, multiple ailments. I try to get things done at home at least. Sometimes I have to sit down and not move a while because I feel sick. There is NO WAY I can pretend things, including a keen interest in tv programs or motion picture content. I’m just not as interested any longer. I did my time, decades… I’m even double over “silver circle” in years. I was just a small part across a long duration of time.