Reminder: Some Gang Members PAID MONEY and Threatened Others to Be More Important than Me

In the 1970s… which I keep going back to since it was highly pivotal in what path my life took… I was getting into trouble too much as a youth kidnapped and far from home. I watched some BIG, WHITE gang members threatening and paying people off to be “more important” and/or “the brighter person” THAN ME. I never got to know all these people because I was based and living in Hawaii mostly and they appeared busy people here in California.

One adult white male said, “I want Crisara* to be the brighter one and this one [me] the battered one.” (slightly paraphrased). He looked like he was speaking with some Korean-looking gang people who spoke good English. I was very young. I am not certain who these Korean(?) people actually were. I can’t even be certain they were Korean. I heard someone say they were. The impression is they were Dreamworks people however I had no proof or certainty.

As criminal as all this looks, what was going wrong was some gang members were claiming all kinds of things about me and there was general trouble making going on with or without my name involved. So these bigger gang peoples may have felt they had to step in and take control of what could have been actual migrants, migrant workers. There may have been a jealousy problem also. I wouldn’t know for certain who was who nor what was actually going on. As far as I knew at the time I was not famous nor making good money with anyone. I was getting popular… but part of that was because I needed help in life and some people were trying to rally help for me.

This is important to know about because THIS MAY STILL BE GOING ON RIGHT NOW. There may honestly be “Crisara’s” who are gang members in more than one city who may believe they are entitled to be more important than me at any time. I do not know what instructions they have, nor their guidelines in handling me.

It could be that “Sarah’s” who are above the “Crisara’s” are the ones with greater control, clout, popularity and even local and global fame.

*There was a real game going on with this name! I had crossed paths with at least THREE WOMEN and TWO CHILDREN using this name before I was six years old.