Previs’d Getting Money From England in the 1970s? Guess Who Got Paid in California Now

It’s Harry and Meghan! I visited the home in Santa Barbara County they are living in now in the 1970s as a youth. Harry got an inheritance this year or it is still coming. I imagine it is fully his to live off of, use for investments. I may have looked like “one of them” for the previs team back in the 1970s..?

What is going on with Harry’s inheritance tax >>

What some people may not realize… some things I was doing in the 1970s were actually PRIME TIME and were flipped to previs and development for others because I was too disabled to receive and use “bigger things”. For instance I’m also NOT actually “Marc and Elaine Zicree” who look like a team of people in L.A. with a very real in person and virtual following. I may have previs’d for them also in the 1970s, and yet really could not return to be a long term friend and associate. We all talked about “Kickstarter” and crowd funding a long time ago… I don’t own it, have not created my own campaign for it, Marc and Elaine very much have used its services for over a decade now! Learn about their projects that are crowd-funded>>