More than one gangster met with me at a neighbor’s home in Honolulu, HI when I was a child. TOLD ME they, “Wanted all my life earnings”. I politely asked each one, “How does this work? If I have a life, don’t I need money to survive?” One was a “Donna” and another sounded like he was calling himself, “Michael Spielberg”. They were very white people, not brown Mexicans or India people. They did threaten to kill my parents and harm people so I had to verbally agree. So my life was in THEIR PEOPLE’S hands. I sat on a floor, the ground more than once with adults standing around looking down at me. I DIDN’T SIGN ANYTHING. Even at age four(4), maybe five(5) I was not certain what was really going to happen. It may be how I became a “sick child” and more long term than I thought would happen.
I bring this up, because all the stories like slander, libel, folklore about me may have been contrived to wrap me into a gang’s wealth, maybe more than one gang early on. It may have looked very false back in the 1970s. What some may have discovered, is that I did have potential to be a wealthy person. It was clear back then I wasn’t going to own the money itself no matter what happened. I did visit the U.S.A. White House while a child. It means I was already identified to more than one political party. Which is why I feel I could have been a “public servant” even as a “sick child”.
Jefferey Epstein may have been just one of the “bigger me” people I crossed paths with while very young. He(and many other gang leaders) may have had all kinds of their gang members scouting people and money like me in the 1970s.
Even if I had married a tough, strong, well connected spouse–male or female… I may have still be designated a “sick child” and the “public servant” nature of my self and life meant I was connected to people beyond a single group or gang or even political party, perhaps more than one nation even in small ways. Ultimately a friend, not enemy to many.
If I had been wealthy on my own, doubtful I’d be still in the U.S.A. I may have been forced to pay for all kinds of people I didn’t like. It could be why a lot of wealth is OUTSIDE of the U.S.A. It could be why there are so many “sick children” here. Robert Kennedy Jr. appears to be one also, a fellow “sick person”. Not his fault. Looks like people saved him enough to be able to work in the public eye at least.
It’s not impossible the U.S. government created people stronger than me to do the work I would have done in different places. Those workers may or may not have gotten well paid for it. The U.S. government may have gotten the actual “big money” associated with all kinds of talented people in public who look average and “sick”. If not the U.S. government, I wouldn’t know for certain what deals were made a long time ago. It does take money to make money. Investors could have been from nations around the world.
I may have gotten valued high in my youth and also got to be a figure head at some things a long time ago–but I lost that place, that position with people while I was still a youth. Adults stepped up, stepped in and took over ideas that could have been credited to me. It’s why I’m actually not that interesting out in public. I look divorced, disconnected, outcast, laid off and in the wilderness with others. I’m just “getting by in life” like many people. Very honestly. For instance I still do not own my own home. I may look like I have some wealth and clout however my actual financial backbone is not big or strong at all. I’ve actually been too terrorized in life to be able to gather and use money like I would have chosen to a long time ago into the present. Some people in some places may still slander about me being a “migrant worker”.