Not in My Back Yard (NiMBY!)

This saying is actually for local and national politics. People use it close to home also. Basically saying, “No, not around me this won’t happen.”

I have something else to remind us all about, a very different application of this saying. Some people’s self, life, even very real back yard intentionally look down-played, less-impressive, even ruined on purpose. I have a feeling the “rug has been pulled out from under them” and local leadership people have oppressed them, and let them know not to be impressive. I’m doing a little prayer here on this for me and others:

We have not always been given the guidelines, we just got picked on and picked on until it got so bad we were laying on the ground not moving, barely breathing and not enough money for average food during the month.*

What happens is these people end up applying another use of NiMBY and trying to look unimpressive in different ways… probably hoping they won’t be picked on. It may be happening throughout the nation in workplaces also. There may be many millions of people self-sabotaging themselves globally just so they are not picked on or misused.

This use of NiMBY may actually be causing a lot of people to not strive, not work hard, not do well, not think well, not care about themselves and all kinds of things around them. It is a form of counter culture that local and government leaders may actually be causing to exist and flourish. It is VERY COMPLICATED as to when this is necessary and when it is not, and how much should exist? I’ve traveled enough when I was young to have seen when this attitude–a form of social engineering–makes sense and when it does not. I’m not a scholar on the subject, just have witnessed and experienced it. It does exist.

*This has happened to me at different times in my life even when I had no job, few friends, old clothes, a small place to live in and a shrunken stomach from regular poor person’s eating. I wasn’t doing it to myself, it was put upon me. HERE IN THE U.S.A.

I’m bringing this up because it truly appears people tried to make me look like a real migrant in the U.S.A. who is expected TO LEAVE when they don’t have good connections or work here. I couldn’t just leave and go elsewhere(I’m a U.S. citizen to the IRS and government), and I also could not get help from real or fake family members which I ACTUALLY HAVE. I was forced to look like something I was not for decades. That is why I am a bit ANGRY about recent events in past years.

Old Spaces, New Ideas

Surprisingly, I was inspired to write this because I am NOT TRYING TO INFLUENCE and yet bring up something else connected to the idea of NiMBY. Without saying where and who was involved… There was a micro-ecosystem at a shopping mall that a possible employee influenced or created themselves. It appears to have been there for decades and was removed completely within recent months. The ecosystem they had created was not important looking and they may have been afraid to because not all malls have the same situation in their back yard. (Fear of competitions’ vandalism?) I wonder if someone with more clout has decided to “kill it” or will endorse it to come back being more important looking than the original one. There is a lesson in this small space:

Will criminal-minded people vandalize a good looking garden space made for wildlife because it looks too good to be created by the maker(s) and host(s)?

That’s just a garden space. What about a city or a town? A nation? Where are the guidelines and limits?