I’m going to redirect thinking about me now. Whatever you thought you knew, you probably didn’t know enough. I’ve had many fake husbands, wives and all kinds of relatives I may have never known in person! It is not silly. We all have a big planet and there is room for all kinds of connections. Some of mine were barely a whisper, not even a vapor agreement spoken. I accept this. We all tried to make things work for a lot of people. It never was for one person.

What I need to do, due to my lack of funding and compromised body health… is RECOMMIT my life to Mother Earth itself. She needs me, and needs all of us. You do not have to follow me on this path. It is the path I wish for myself now.
I’m leaving behind my cares of my past duties which have ended anyway. I’m older now, my body and life has been too messed up. I am not as committed to humanity now, I don’t need to be. It probably needs much stronger people full time. I am a weakened human in society of the world of peoples. To Mother Earth I am just another one her children. My time here is limited like everyone else.