I got swapped around in my youth and over-promised. It is as simple as that. I have really done my best to try to help get myself and others through what ever the f… we had to deal with. I was unfortunately stuck with a damaged and sick body, not tough like a real gang banger. My focus then had to be creating IP assets for others to play with and make money off of. I was too disabled myself to shepherd them.
Some people may have deliberately put THE WRONG HITS ON ME. These may have been the kind I can’t pay off, I couldn’t negotiate a way out of… and they may have looked really [censored] out of place. Some say the sea hag persona hit was one of them. Getting people and places as one of those caused a certain equation every time: I was NOT GOING TO MAKE MONEY and I was drugged or damaged on arrival or during the visit. The result is that I’m an older person now retired from that old persona and I don’t have a lot of money or people contacts to show for my life. It is because of this the more recent hits like trying to steal money from me and people who have been tasked to care for my life look really [censored] out of place.
I strongly feel there are some gang people trying to pretend I never was a sea hag or crazy Steven. Let me give you an analogy: It is like saying someone with a broken arm does not have a broken arm. Like saying a car with a flat tire, does not have a flat tire. Someone who got a broken low income life, actually had a good money making one. Right now there are people after my life savings… not a job or work money. I don’t like it. Sense someone in Harvey’s group is trafficking me and possibly promising money I don’t actually have.
Please note I NEVER MARRIED for real. As a result I don’t have money from the marriage NOR CONTACTS from the husband, the relationship and related peoples. Some people from male companions I’ve tried to keep on very superficial terms, however I know they are not my own long term friends.