Mugged at Firebaugh

I need public to know that YES I WAS TAKEN TO the town of FIREBAUGH, California as a child and told to help those people. What transpired is that I was MUGGED and I have a feeling they created someone to replace me in society. I looked like one of THEIR OWN people for a while. Maybe long term, I don’t know. I was NEVER a real Mexican or agriculture worker. I do not know if it was a man, woman or child. When I was first told about this IN PERSON, at that town… it looked like they thought I was wealthy and wanted my money. That is not what it was. Someone wanted to leave that town and trade places with me elsewhere. Someone in Chula Vista, CA may have instigated this. I was taken there many times also in my youth and some pretended I was from there. I was not. It is VERY POSSIBLE my identity was already so stolen, I was NOT THE PROPER PERSON to kidnap to Firebaugh to “trade places with”.

Firebaugh, California, USA

What people may not understand is… someone, maybe many… “GOT PROGRAMMED” that I am a Firebaugh person… and I AM NOT. I may have “gotten attached” to them though. Things like this CAN BE DONE POLITELY. It didn’t feel polite, however I do not know what all was going on back then. I was actually very young.

I have a feeling… still… that someone IMPORTANT in Hollywood got mrdrd and to hide it happened, they were swapping all kinds of people around. (early 1970s) It may be why they gave me to Firebaugh… so they could LEARN I was not one of the wealthy, not someone in competition in Hollywood, not really.

Part of this is part of a greater mystery I may never understand or know fully. I may not need to. Just please be aware a lot of things have happened in my life and I likely have swapped with big and small people in a variety of places over time. And I didn’t know what was really going on.

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