He had to. I was actually too gang banged before I visited his island. Gang members told him who I was and they were stepping in front of me and handling things. They were adults while I was a child. Actually, on another occasion some youths older than me also “stepped in front of me to handle things”. I was too battered. The honest truth is people wanted me to reside at home and I was having difficulty staying home. People were actually grabbing me to go all kinds of places even outside of the U.S.A. (1970s-80s mostly).
Jefferey Epstein told people in front of me to “NOT USE SARAH AS IF SHE IS MAFIA.” The reason is he did not plan to fund me with mafia money. This happened in the 1970s! Some people continued to anyway.
Which brings us to 2025, which is a breath away now.
There are gang members who may think I have money for them and I DO NOT. My personal funding is from FAMILY not from a gangster’s gift. My own money IS NOT MAFIA MONEY AT ALL.
I’ve been willing, even with my damaged, sick body… to help people make money. I meant AS A BUSINESS ASSOCIATE… not a hostage, or a tool for extortion.
No matter where I go… gangsters and gang members do not speak to me on their own. They don’t step up and say, “Sarah, how are you doing these days? This is my son… this is my daughter… this is my friend…” THIS NEVER HAPPENS.