I’ve Stopped Myself From Posting This Directly. I Have to Do it Now for Clarity. My Disconnect to A.E.I.

The human body writing this, IS NOT at A.E.I. Without being “there” or a direct part of it, this body is NOT transacting and working with Hollywood or other entertainment people. This human body was SWAPPED OUT of A.E.I. in childhood. A boy, young man did step up and said he’d take my place. Others MADE IT KNOWN BACK THEN. That was the 1970s. A.E.I. may have been created by Taiwanese back then. Where they were actually from? I am not certain. They could have been Mexico City people.

When I first started “getting Hollywood” in the 1970s I was honestly told that I was getting Mexico City peoples, even the ones who are U.S. citizens that live down there part time.

I’ll take this further. I was ALSO TOLD IF “STEVEN” is in Hollywood, I cannot be. The [censored] live [censored] [swearing] [censored]… yep I am angry…[censored][swearing] trouble is more than one “Steven” was ANNOUNCED as leaving and retired in the 1970s!!! And I only used that name a short time, then stopped using it permanently so I never thought I was coming into conflict by visiting unpaid.

People may not know how messed up this is… I was asked to help and yet when I was brought around I was IN CONFLICT in Hollywood/professional entertainment. And this was AFTER many “Crisaras” were invented. At least one lead Crisara was supposed to INTRODUCE ME TO the CURRENT “STEVEN” so I could politely speak with him. (1970s) Obviously didn’t happen, or I wouldn’t have to be writing so much. I’d just be doing lunch now and then with “friends in Hollywood”.

If this isn’t enough [censored][swearing] back in Hawaii, I came into contact with at least two or three “Stevens” on Maui, and I am not certain how many on Oahu. They all looked like gang leadership people, well dressed and there to pounce on me, mug me with bare hands. More than one ordered me injured (thugs jumped me) instead of a friendly chat. (1970s)