What’s happening to me far from a big entertainment city may be a reflection of what’s going on in them. I’ve read they are doing mergers and laying off thousands of people. Not to say they may not get hired back at some point, but for the time being they are out of work and may have had to also slow down and get smaller to get by on a lower income. So what’s going on with me is I see that I AM NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO IMPROVE MY INCOME. I have to work with what I have and WITHOUT A HUSBAND. I’ve had some real or fake family to be with at times in life, however they too have expenses.
It has happened a lot in my life that I had to BE AWAY FROM real or fake family to live with. Its even happened I was given money to live on and it was all stolen while I lived with them. I am better off just small by myself somewhere. It may not be in California, it is an expensive state and many people who knew me left a long time ago.
IDEALLY… people who don’t have enough money gather together and share a decent home. I’ve been too compromised, even drugged and attacked so I don’t want to try that again. It got too criminal. My wallet and identity just got stolen by more migrants while I was in the home drugged and sick from the mugging. Not a joke. That was Los Angeles(a few times) as well as Maui (1970s).
Now days if people try to steal my identity they’ll get thrown in jail and/or deported. So please don’t try this again.
Even right now, there may be migrants (gang members) hoping I’ll move again so they can live where I was and pretend things. Be aware of the game that may be going on. They may not be people I’ve even heard of or if I have heard of them, I may not know them well at all. They may have eavesdropped on me for years and been involved with human trafficking, so they may have real information on me… or not.
Even as I am right now in debt, there may be a gang member pretending I’m supposed to support them and/or buy them and their husband a home to live in. I’M NOT THAT ONE. That was a “Donna” a long time ago. I never became one of those hired professional women who were also gang connected.
I’m writing all this out because I have a feeling this is happening to others in big cities in California at least. People pretended I was a migrant worker many times in my life because “…they wanted to swap into my job…” and it was said in person to me before I was even ten years old. Someone may have trafficked me into places and doing things just so AN ADULT HAD A PLACE TO STEP INTO. Just be aware… I never got to return to 99.999% of them.