And younger people may not know how different and similar.
World events from the 1970s have been repeated, are repeating. They are a little different, different people involved. I do know what is going on. I met Las Vegas very young. If the world was a game of craps, someone or a group is hoping to control the dice by having built the table, commissioned special but legal dice… treated the air and more… and forgetting too the table will never be surrounded by the same DNA with the same clout and money. History cannot repeat itself exactly we all know this. It is a different world now also. You can only own so much of it.
An example of different: I was getting people IN PERSON in the 1970s. These days a group of people are relying on KSPL… a network of gang members snooping each other and me. WHO ELSE has been made virtual? And that’s the key problem. MANY PEOPLE are now virtual, key people, players, and imitators also. Which actually means knowledge and facts may also be more virtual than people realize.
Someone, maybe many are trying to play ME as a “Steven” and I am not. Have NOT been in decades. Worse… the body out in public may just be an imitator and a hybrid of who I am and was a long time ago. I’ve actually tried to write about it over and over… I WAS ONE, am NOT ONE now. When I was, I was still limited and it was NOT long term as a “big one”. I mostly stayed a “little one” and the big ones knew it.