In Praise of Space Command Studios –Don’t Run Over There Without Invite.

In praise of Space Command Studios and Mr. Sci-Fi! I am posting this recent YouTube video tour. I want to make certain you all understand my feelz regarding these people. Wrote recently that I felt “Space Command the Movie or tv series had so much potential.” What I need to say here is IT STILL DOES… just a different kind now. It is not the same as it began and it is very clear all involved have put great effort into what it is. It shows. I feel it is watchable content! This is a little studio tour video. Don’t just run over there to see them. Please if you have interest in this studio and their projects, reach out to them by email or phone first.

I’m floored by what I saw in this video! I had to stop watching it so I didn’t see it all. Maybe some day I’ll be able to return and see in person.

Recently I was talking to someone about “being spiritual”… this video shows some of the spirit of science fiction and innovation, what we are and have imagined.