I’m NOT Donovan. Or his wife. Or his daughter. I may have looked like it in the 1970s a while, here’s why:

He grabbed me and took me around for crazy ideas.* He was an angry leadership person. I am not certain the one who took me around was the one mrdrd on a movie location scout in the 70s or 80s. He may have retired back to Mexico. He was VERY ANGRY about all kinds of things. It looked like politicians above him had tasked him to do all kinds of mafia things with migrants in the U.S. and Mexico and beyond and HE was NOT WELL FUNDED. The key thing is HE TOOK NOTES FROM ME and beat me up a lot. People had to separate us full time. OTHER “Donovan” named Mexican men have come into my proximity and people pretended I was like a leadership person or a rogue migrant worker toward him! It was crazy. Did people pretend I was one of the original MEN? Is this why I got so picked on?

*They were not all crazy, though it was clear I was under duress.

I want to REMIND EVERYONE… it appears I still have closed doors and not allowed to make deals and transactions in all kinds of places. The glass ceiling was placed very low above me to keep me out of trouble because I was getting VERY MIXED UP WITH actual mafia people in the 1970s+ who were HIRED to be disruptors and troublemakers.

It occurs to me I got targeted because there are so many missing people from the people matrix I was a part of in the 1970s. It was known back then that people who visited and left the U.S. were using my names, nicknames, even names of pets I had!

It is VERY KEY to know that I was NOT ABLE to INVEST in ideas I got to bring up and influence a very long time ago…80s.. even back into the 1970s. I was pushed around and tossed, beat up, slandered and kept out* of so many things and other peoples’ lives and circles, I was mostly lost… “Lost” to the understanding of who was who and who people thought I was. So often people refused to speak with me about who I thought I was! It was really crazy looking. The “Clinton” who sort of knew me in person, the worker not the politician… did appear to try to keep me connected with all kinds of things I helped spark… however my CLOUT WAS SO SMALL, I just got messed up… not spoken to about the creative and logistical management of them. It was very clear I had lost producer powers… even ghost producer powers most of the time because I was NOT ALLOWED to help troubleshoot much at all.

*Some said I was thought of as a “Mexico City Spielberg” not a real U.S. one. It may have been what caused me to be unknown and have so little clout around the people and IPs I was actually supposed to “be available to help out with”. Likely some of the key people who knew me had returned to that city and stayed after working in the U.S. in the 1970s and 80s–back when I was more active and around interesting places.

Because I’ve never been truly hired in all kinds of work places, and now I’m too weak and ill for real work… I’m stuck to being a retiree on a limited income. I CAN’T FIX THIS BY MYSELF. I don’t even have the health or money I did FOUR YEARS AGO. I’m sad, though my inability allows someone else to be working or that’s my hope.

Did people label me “Baby Jaws” and/or “Baby Dreamworks” and PRETEND I was like an avatar or proxy to the REAL PEOPLE who work in L.A. and other big cities, the ones with high clout and money–even with gangs? I at best back then–even now–look like a under or not-funded, dead-looking spiritual leader who few know in public places. Honestly. I got picked on more than spoken to plainly or evenly. Yet people did like to hear what I had to say now and then.