I’m Not a Good Spiritual Leadership Person–Too Unknown, Too Unfunded

Did people label me (one of the) “Baby Jaws” and/or “Baby Dreamworks” in the 1970s and PRETEND I was like an avatar or proxy to the REAL PEOPLE who work in L.A. and other big cities, the ones with high clout and money–even with gangs?

There were gang members who TOLD ME they wanted their people to learn “how to be Spielberg people” so I had to BE SOMETHING for them. At best I was a “spiritual leader” because I only had the spirit of what I could be, not the money. I never could HIRE people to be bigger me or other me or surrogates. “Donna” or more than one wanted to create people to work in Hollywood and elsewhere and leave me at home. I had agreed to “help from a distance” however I was NOT ALLOWED to make phone calls and later NOT ENABLED to be online, via internet to others. I was SHUT OUT by the gang members who WERE TRULY ACTIVE and WORKING for professionals in a variety of places. I feel some of those found me far away from Hollywood and were attacking me physically and also tainting my living spaces. I was getting VERY ILL from toxins and no one helped me heal quickly from being beat up. I guess they were DONE copy catting me!

I’m still not fully healed from being beat up by gang members, still dealing with past toxins in my body, and it is known that people actually DO NOT WANT ME TO USE SOCIAL MEDIA even if I have only nice things to say. It means I cannot be a spiritual leader there at that distance either and I know I do not need to be! (kind of laughing at the idea). IT ALSO MEANS I should not be stalked by gang members nor snooped, nor labeled, NOR USED.

My big Spielberg spirit got VERY KILLED a long time ago. The one I created for others to work with and get to know in the 1970s and 80s. I’ve been too gang attacked during and since then. Now I’m just a lot older and disinterested. I’m a small person these days and know it. I do also know there are younger people who are still seeking answers, so I have a small fragment left of who I was for them. It’s not for the entertainment business.

I had agreed in my youth to help older people in higher places as needed with “some Spielberg spirit”. I don’t know how to do this safely. I’ve been mugged many times when I was younger and I am still actually physically and emotionally damaged. It appears even the “Donnas” had me mugged! So I have to be done with it.