Honestly, some gang members appeared HIRED to bother and attack the “big men” in L.A. handling the movie production funds. More than one tough gang member just stared at little preschool me and picked on me instead using a variety of hit people. Who are the “big men” from L.A. that had the funds from motion pictures? Here’s how to GET REAL.
Read on… Universal Pictures was not “manned” or “wo-manned” by small people. If they were involved, they were not leads who managed people in L.A. I was taken to several back lot men… quite physically big. They were connected with the ORIGINAL JAWS movies and Universal Pictures… or so I was told. Getting to speak with them was actually a really big deal. They were armed and probably could have mrdrd people with a single blow of their fist.
If I remember properly, I was taken to a Dreamworks campus in my youth (1980s), possibly just before or into my teens and I got to chat with a really big man there also. He was professional in demeanor, angry at some of the people in the room who were hovering. I was picked up with one arm of his and he “dropped me” outside a back door of the building. It was an experience in itself. I was told I don’t belong there, and they didn’t want to mrdr me for money. The door slammed without further comment. I don’t know who hired that man, whatever… I took the advice and didn’t ask to visit there. I kept asking people, “How do I leave?” I had never been there before, and not certain how I got there.
Also, I was NOT THE “DONNA” who was HIRED to work at Universal Pictures. btw.