I’ve been in trouble for years now and NO STEVEN has stepped up to claim me as part of their group, gang, tribe, organization. Anyone else notice this? It doesn’t take money for this. A poor one could have spoken up.
No one has called me, “Steven” either for real or expressed as just for fun.
Means I am a lone wolf, and no one OWNS ME EITHER. No one can claim they own what I own.
Over time, if nothing is said… even years and decades from now… watch to see who picks up my belongings and game pieces. Who is key in trying to own things I’ve owned all these decades. –I mention this because I have no agreement with any group or individual for sharing anything I own. Things were spoken of in the 1970s, however people did not stay in touch with me at all. I am not even certain what their real names were. I don’t have a real husband or past one, and no children DNA or adopted at this time.