If “the People” Wanted to Know Me Better, I Would Have Been a Public Speaker All These Decades

Honestly. I even got MUGGED trying to do a speech for a speech class in high school. I was actually beat up at the podium with a class size of under 20 students and a few faculty attending. That’s the last time I recall attempting to be a real speaker in persona.

Really, truly… some people are GOOD AT SPEAKING… and that is all people let them do. They attend private clubs, company meetings, social groups and simply stand up and do a talk on something. I COULD HAVE SIMPLY BEEN ONE OF THOSE. People could have just bought me lunch or a coffee.

The opposite has gone on. People don’t want to know me. I’ve mostly been at home, even in a small apartment most of my life talking with a cat or dog. Even now, people are NOT INTERESTED, not even for a video chat.

It’s EASY for me to NOTE that I am not a leadership person! I know what my life has been like.

I was asked to do a talk in a high school in the 1990s about movies in general. I was drugged, couldn’t actually do it properly at all. I may have gotten scared too.