To make me a drugged, damaged prostitute gang member originally. Said they wanted me to tell people I was a “Ukrainian”. I complained at this so much and refused the idea so much I became tomboyish young. May be why a Michelle “SOLD” me to a gay group of people and a Taiwanese or Chinese small woman told me in preschool that I “…will not have a good life…”
It was disturbingly bad at times. However I rose up, stood up over and over again and joined the Crazy Ones at times. And that was before I was a teenager. I mostly got beat up though.
I’ve been badly messed up. People need to know why I’m so isolated and loner. This likely has happened to other men and women?
I’m old now, not as bright…even stupid looking. Not to worry.
I wonder though, which country would have accepted me? Believe it or not, the U.S. actually did adopt me after a while. I’m not as bright as I was, guarantee it. Definitely not a healthy example of a human being. I look okay at a distance.
Btw, I’ve met bright women here in the U.S. I’m not certain why I got so slammed for it.