I do not know if the information is good now. And, writing it here may not change anything. Doubt I could get him in person because I have been gone from those higher circles DECADES. I’ve been mugged so many times, football players have blushed… which could mean there are THAT MANY PEOPLE who would stand between me and him. How many? 5…30… more?
I will say, perhaps people need to let Elon make some decisions? Mafia decades ago had a way of just telling people what they wanted and having things happen so they could pocket money even if a small part of it and it cost more money to create it–I don’t blame them for having this method or way of thinking. It may be how they survived and continue to. Sustainability was not a word people liked to use unless it meant their cash flow continued to please them.
I wrote in a recent post that people may need Mamie. I am not certain which one(s) can handle Elon and that level of executives who also have knowledge dating prior to companies and corporations being start up.
I am in the wilderness. I am someone who has said, “Conditions have changed” many times and people need to get this. I am not a leadership person even if I did while some things were in a start up phase in the 1970s an 80s. It can also mean some of the things I was going to bring up, messaging I was asked to deliver is OLD. I may actually hold OLD INFORMATION that is not that important these days since it is so far into the future. I myself AM DATED, OLD.
Update: Thinking more on it, I may have gotten back to an early “Elon” in the 1970s or 80s. I may have actually gotten a message through, however I cannot guarantee I got the correct Elon. Likely it had to do with mafia funding. It is so many years, decades into the future now I have no real idea what things are now.