I Was Almost Given a Wealthy Husband Full Time in the 1970s+

What happened is gang members took me to a man who was said to be investing in my ideas. More than one tough female told me they WERE NOT GOING TO LET ME GET HIM, THEY WANTED HIM. So what may have happened is, I lost that resource and any potential future ones from that time on. I was very young and why it may have taken me years to come back to that memory. Some of those women may still be alive on Maui, Hawaii. The ones I know about are not wealthy (certainly are more than me though!) themselves. My hunch is the wealthier men gravitated away from those gang members after helping them initially.

It’s very likely I was allowed to get help early on in the 1970s with advanced planning. Just no plan to allow me to be independently wealthy. Really, I’ve looked like just an image of someone bigger*. Someone people could talk with, however it got too dangerous. I got used for many things far beyond my own control. May be why I got so destroyed and ruined. It really burned me earlier in life to see men and women who did not appear that bright or even reliable still being able to own homes, cars, investments and have their own family and many friends and contacts in multiple communities. I hope people remember how much I DID NOT GET in life.

I probably was instrumental(got played) more than an average small town gang leader. Could be why I’m like a damaged military soldier. I’m not missing limbs, however there is still a lot of damage in my body that’s even been repaired more than once. I took a lot of gang hits over time.

I am not certain how things go in other countries. It could very well be I had to stay as small as I am to accommodate real gang leaders locally and far away who are limited in resources. I could not actually get bigger than them without causing a problem. Likely because I am not a real gang leader or gang banger to protect what I have. Some may still be trying to hold me as low or below a MIGRANT LEADERSHIP male or female.

*Meaning there is someone genuinely much bigger, wealthier, better connected that I appear to be very similar to… possibly eavesdropped on for some things. Which may have simply been one of the “Donnas” in the 1970s+. I’ve written there were KNOWN COPY CATS HIRED in Los Angeles, CA that were gang members and older than me.