I Was a Mafia Actress for the Boys

In my very young youth, gangsters boys asked me to be a “mafia actress” because they didn’t want me to be the real thing. They were actually behaving protective of me, it was messaging from higher up. I agreed because I was REALLY SCARED being around the adults that day.

It’s only days away from 2025. I’ve actually had NO ONE TO PLAY WITH as a mafia actress in decades to be honest. I HAVE NOT pretended anything in a very long time. VERY LONG TIME. I’m even thinking the last time I did I was likely a nearly adult youth. I took so many hits as a teenager thought I had actually died. Surprised me when I woke up again. I know there was some kind of problem going on… however NO ONE was really telling me. I was usually very honest with people. However I was drugged a lot, also got head injuries so I may have been dazed and confused too at times… people would have noticed!

People really need to remember: some young gang members were studying me and by the time I was in my teens some were in college or beyond, some were now born and rising youth stars in their gangs. I wasn’t needed around like a pilot car for some situations. By the time I was into my 20s I was kind of a throw away, not much interest. I had so little money to live on and it felt like no one loved me at all for anything. I was lost and just crawling through life. I didn’t know who I was or could actually be. I must have been in a car accident or something. I was dazed long term and people avoided me.

Reminder: I WAS NOT ADOPTED BY JEFFEREY EPSTEIN’s people for work or play. If I was, it was only a few moments in time here and there. Not long term. It worked in the regard that they didn’t sponsor me, didn’t have to deal with me a lot. I just visited places now and then… rare occasions!

I’ve written it before: PEOPLE USED ME. It may mean that actual mafia people used me and kept me a lot smaller than them…no matter what.

I learned to be “mafia minded” a long time ago when I was around others who needed me to be. I didn’t actually need to be this way most of my life. I didn’t have responsibilities or money to work with. People made certain of it.