I Should be OVER not UNDER Convict Producers in the U.S.A.

This is another answer for everyone. I do not know who the ACTUAL convict producer people have placed me UNDER since the 1970s. I should by all legal reasons BE ABOVE HIM/HER/THEM. They may or may not even be a U.S. citizen, and I am at least that.

Whoever he/they are… I am not certain the person or group that put me UNDER one or more convict producers. It appears those people used me far beyond Michael Reaves’ daughter with less clout than an illegal migrant worker in society at times.

What it means is there are very likely real cash only migrants with clout above me in the U.S.A. and they may or may not be hired by people who actually know me. This may have gone on for decades, most/all my life! And people wonder, “What’s going on that’s wrong?”*

I’m still holding onto the legal business names Amblin, Inc. and the original legal Dreamworks name. I dropped interest, holding in Universal Studios, Inc. And I am going to keep watching how people behave with me. Knowing I am not transacting, there are no bank accounts or money gathered at all and have ZERO CONTRACTS with anyone.

Which child am I really in the U.S.A.? Hmm?

*In the 1980s I got brought around to fund a very real Star Trek IP in person. I was not even allowed to use a phone to call for help. I was beaten up and bleeding a little bit on a sound stage floor. It was clear someone, maybe many were above me incapable of doing much and it caused me also not to do much even though IF FREE TO WORK FOR REAL… I could have at least reached out to bank people, even my own bank, or Disney gangsters to let them know there is a PROBLEM I am UNABLE to HANDLE by myself. People looked half expectant I had CASH to give them. Which surprised me, as the motion picture clearly needed real mafia funding in the million$. No one even put cash in my pocket for people to pretend something.