I Really Wish a Big Steven Could Announce Me Properly and My Full Retirement Was Given Decades Ago

Here is my problem. If a certain woman connected at this blog attempts to announce herself to the public as a retired, weakened person, she could be denounced and laughed at and still not properly recognized by gang members anywhere. That’s why I/she was somewhat hoping to get a new contract, even a short time for real with a very recognizable group.

That’s how I know there is STILL A PROBLEM. I’m still held and I am not certain who and to what.

Here’s what I’ll do. THIS WOMAN IS DEAD TO WORKING IN HOLLYWOOD and is NON-MAFIA. Okay? Will you please accept this one is a small person that mafia used for her identity a long time in L.A. ALONG WITH OTHERS. She was part of a group of people DISMISSED politely originally. They just used her name on paperwork now and then. SHE IS NOT WEALTHY, DOES NOT KNOW ALL THE PLAYERS AT ALL. She may be the “Thinkfast Media” in San Diego, CA who is actually not as bright as this writer here. I’d like to save her because she doesn’t actually know people. Mostly a home body, even freelanced from home for little money. The L.A. courts know her, okay? They know who-is-who and have allowed all kinds of things in L.A. for decades with this human far away and disconnected herself. If she behaves bright at all, please just forgive her… she’s been around a lot of dummies (like elderly and drugged people) and had to step up for them. She does not know who is mafia and some of them PRETEND TO BE DUMB.

It SHOULD BE NOTED ALSO: Hollywood has a rule about working people. Usually they REQUIRE people to be married, to have a spouse. Thinkfast Media gal, does not have a spouse. If the old laws of the town are still active, it means she was NEVER QUALIFIED for full time work in town, and certainly not as an investor or management. This Sarah may have been limited as an influencer.

Yes she has stood in for important mafia and gangsters in Hollywood–that was a long time ago. They had to replace her with mafia and mafia children who were enabled to make deals and bring mafia level funding.