Update: Someone is on the ‘wind’, “They needed Clinton himself.”
I’m not a billionaire. Guess I got to play one for some people. The real people LEFT with more than that amount in the 1970s. I did not go with them. One was a “Steven”. I got cancelled as a “pretend billionaire” in the late 1970s. That’s why I didn’t remain anywhere near Dreamworks after that. Never had an office at DW.
A long time ago I may have known more about myself and who I was to others. I may have also lived more than one life for different groups of people. What it looks like is someone may have labeled me a “public servant” and a “single” when I was very young. I’ve met with resistance and all kinds of problems during my life when I tried to be a lot different than this. It could be why I got shut out from so many people, and had to be. There may have been a plan for me and because I got so kidnapped while young it got cancelled. Then people made some adjustments and I became something a little different? I’m asking?
I bring this up because it appears someone is trafficking me and my labels have changed like they did in the 1970s… my first decade of life… within the past few years. I’m not sure it is because of new people who don’t know me, or if the traffickers are not certain what to label me with or they are GOING OFF NOTES of people who JUST TOOK NOTES in the 1970s and didn’t know who I was.
WHAT’S MAKING ME VERY SAD IS VISITING L.A. for the COURT SYSTEM and people appear to be trying to ignore the past 45 years+ of my life. Almost pretending NOTHING HAPPENED between my first visit there in the 1970s and late 2020.
I was supposed to visit LAPD and the L.A. court system POLITELY AS A CHILD in the 1970s… and it began like an acting gig… pretending things… then I ACTUALLY GOT LOCKED INTO A JAIL CELL for a while, I also GOT LOCKED INTO a USC mental hospital for adults for a while. IT WAS CRIMINAL. Then people made it look like I was “practicing for someone else who was going to be there”. Btw, I GOT USC mental hospital again more than once, including in 2012. I had been drugged on a t.v. production and over a couple of months, I drank gallons of L.A. water from a tap. I was not crazy, I was ill and needed help clearing up my blood.
I’m still a “sick child”. It means I don’t have a lot of resistance to illnesses, workplace toxins, drugs, and tough people.
the ‘wind’ wants me to add that I am a “weakened person” meaning I don’t have energy a long time, I run out of energy. ALSO that I, “Needed a mafia escort or no one is certain who I am.” And that I, “Am not a replacement for Clinton.”
I wish to respond to the ‘wind’. Many do know who I am. Perhaps people I am not used to being around are not certain. The wrong escort could mislabel me because I have BEEN INACTIVE for DECADES. I’ve been in the wilderness, and I’ve had very real memory losses. Early in my life it was NOT OBVIOUS who I was standing in for, and I feel I did it a lot. People were not quick to tell others which child I was.