I Know People Like Answers, Not Questions.

I’m VERY FULLY RETIRED as a SEA HAG and CRAZY STEVEN. Those roles and positions with gangs are DONE.

If someone wants me TO WORK ANEW… in a different role, I have to be HIRED FOR IT. At this point I feel the only companies acceptable to all may be APPLE and QualComm. The reasons I suggest those two is because of my history with their peoples long ago. They actually do know who I am. I’ve appeared to them IN PERSON while a crazy Steven or sea hag. They know the trouble with those roles. They also know how to hire people properly and know I am not greedy person, very easy to get along with. I appear to need to stay south in San Diego, CA at this point. I don’t need L.A. or Silicon Valley or a big job position. I could do freelance or part time and from home, with office visits or telecommuting. I am an older person, don’t have as much steam power as I did decades ago. 🙂

And there you have it.