I Got Fraudulently Connected with Prison Inmates Since Childhood, Forced By..?

You all know that I am NOT MARRIED to someone in prison, however a L.A. or San Diego gang may have done this to my lifetime. Made me look like a “convict’s wife” yet I have no information, next to zero emotional and social support from anyone. A picked on loner most of my lifetime. No real husband(s) and no real boyfriend(s). People appeared loaned to me now and then, never fully given.

There is probably someone or more than one person in prison the gangs use or have used as a fake husband or even a wife and yet I can’t afford anyone and I am not allowed to visit someone who may have harmed me in the past whether in person or through an associate.

I may have had some gang clout through people I have never known and can’t even speak with. Just warning people there may be all kinds of connections I DO NOT KNOW ABOUT, NEVER HAVE and MAY NEVER KNOW.

I bring this up because I was taken to more than one man in a prison while an actual child.