L.A. courts has a hold on me, much too long. Looks pre-planned, however I was not reminded or brought up to speed, or even informed properly of what it all is. The biggest problem is I have been a pure “criminal case”… NOT a “big Steven” who is mafia connected that can just talk to people… anyone… in L.A. As I child I did somewhat, I can’t do this as a very diminished adult.
I may need even some Mexican(Mexico City?) powers to step in to release me from L.A. I can’t actually do anything for anyone. I’m too smashed down, ruined, disconnected. I shouldn’t be hostaged for anything as I was not authentically connected to big enough money. My own people are not big now if they ever were. They may have been falsely boosted like I was at times. We were able to step up and mediate with people. Even small leadership things. Mostly I’ve lived a quiet life at home, unaware and uninformed about a whole lot of things.
I’m not the one who is best KEY for the L.A. court houses. I have a feeling the bigger people paid people off to keep them out and away, and yet they would be ideal to help problems. I may have been a virtual leadership person for migrants a long time ago, but as such I can’t do a thing in person at all. There are many migrants with more clout than me!
For me to speak up in person, in public places… I would have needed a team of people with me and I’ve had none. No one from any big companies has come to stand beside me to talk with others in L.A. Last time it really happened was in my youth!