We all have struggles. Some people get through life easier than others. Some carry a lot of weight… loads of problems and solutions. Some not a lot, mostly their own. We all have to consider OTHERS even in our small lives/worlds.
I know some people had to help me, and I gave what I could with what I’ve had.
I personally was never endowed with A LOT OF MONEY. I had to work with others when I was a lot younger, people with and without funds to get things done.
It took bigger people than me to hold and move monies around. Bigger people than me HIRED and MANAGED others.
I SURE GOT MESSED UP A LOT! I also had times of life when I was not so messed up. Times of troubles, times of healing. I was not always able to do good messaging, be a good messenger. I actually got sabotaged really badly by jealous gang members who admitted they were doing it!
I had to live as a sea hag for decades, most of my life. Because of this ROLE, this position, this character I was limited to mostly just talking with people. My body took a lot of hits. I couldn’t hold or manage monies for myself well or others. Even now people have terrorized me when I had some decent money to work with. I had to use it quickly. Now I look irresponsibly in debt.
Too many REFUSED to ALLOW ME to be a wealthy or even just above average money earner in life. The idea offended people so much my life was threatened before I was in grade school. I offered to stay small. Even asked how to do it, and then others were tasked to make sure I stayed small. So I have been small, still am.
I CAN STILL SPEAK WELL*. I’m not allowed to. My talent in my youth was speaking. It got overused. Then no one wanted to hear me speak at all.
Speaking well includes SPEAKING UP FOR OTHERS. I want to remind people of this.
*I am out of practice, my body has had many hits since I was more well known for it. I am more distracted, and also more educated than ever too.