I Didn’t “Get Dreamworks” After Ernie Brooks, II Passed Away

In my youth he said I’d get them. He was a very real mafia Steven. I appear too much in the wilderness and they are now Illumination. So it MUST BE a false surrogate(of me and others) that got them instead of Ernie.* I don’t know who or when because I am so not involved. I do not have a contract, I do not get paid, I don’t get a single phone call about participation in any form. It appears the “Donnas” just have me wrung out and thrown back home again. The wringing out process used to look like kidnapping me to Hollywood in person. These days it’s just the L.A. court system who probably know who is who and it appears a safer path for “convict producing” except I have no duties involved. I am not even required to speak about ideas. So I am not certain what it is. I can’t tell people more because I honestly don’t know more.

In my youngest years being taken to Hollywood’s back lots… a “Donna” told people I was NOT THE CORRECT ONE and she knew it. I actually was not supposed to be there. Admittedly, I have not really been there most of my life. They DO have other people in person on a daily basis.

I was told by a memory some time ago… that if Brooks is not involved with Hollywood I should not be myself. The school closed down some time ago also. I know some of their people handled the actual professional work in the Hollywood/professional entertainment context. They appeared to utilize some convicts because they messed with me a long time ago. “Wanted my work” is what they said over and over before I was an adult. They did gang up. Brooks people did speak with me. I did acknowledge they were adults and looked better prepared. They didn’t seem to want more ideas from me either, and that was the 1980s.

Back in the 1980s I was TOLD that I couldn’t produce “Transformers” because I was not wealthy or connected enough, even though it appeared I could actually own the “Amblin, Inc.” name. So they created people at Hasbro and used them. I helped them do it. Now I’m old, a young elder who lived through a lot of problems and solutions. I can’t produce anything, am not recognized for anything and Brooks institute of Photography the school is dead also. I assume I am very dead and have to be at least to professional entertainment.

So no Brooks, no contract, I’m in the wilderness so I am not clear what this wringing out process is for now because I was just supposed to be “returned home to my people and free to do what I want”. I even bought the old Amblin vessel… the prototype small unfinished one a few years ago. I grew up a bit in recent years, however I am clearly not on a producing team nor am I allowed to gather one. I made it to 50 years old a few years ago also. It meant “take retirement age” to people connected at Disney. So I AM NOT SUPPOSED TO DO MORE AT ALL for professional entertainment related. Technically, I should be allowed to be a hobby filmmaker, however I have refrained and am actually not healthy enough.

REAL PEOPLE normally GIVE A VERY REAL IN PERSON SPEECH about leaving a group and retiring. I AM NOT ALLOWED THIS. I don’t want to get on YouTube to do it. I’m just politely NOT WORKING on anything looking like a film or tv project. I am not reaching out to anyone regarding IP work. The oddness that exists is I’d probably GET MUGGED if I tried to gather people for an in person speech to talk about the past and that I am AGAIN officially retired. That maybe I never was un-retired and working anyway.

*Likely someone or a group that also got Donald Trump when he visited Los Angeles, CA recently as a returning president. What people need to understand and I BEG THEY DO is HE is the one to get, not small people like me. I helped him also be something a long time ago. I was taken around like a baby mafia person before I was an adult. I helped a future Donald be a future person for others because I, and many… are too small to stand in person with people in L.A. for big things including helping groups and companies get funding here in the U.S. You do not need to drag him, he walks with assistants and can do speeches impromptu as needed.

I am still holding the Amblin, Inc. name so both the Democratic and Republican parties know WHICH CHILD I WAS a very long time ago. I have NOT MET all these people currently working in entertainment and political offices. I am so far removed from everything, the wilderness is thick between me and them. I appear to have never left forced retirement. I must been part of a PAC that included people from politics and business that simply “had lunch” or “played golf” at Mar A Lago a very long time ago. It may be specifically what I retired from.