GUILT TRIP: Harvey, His Peoples and Excessive Bail Amounts

Just wish to comment that if Harvey and his people kept the $20k+$20k from my mom that’s $40k that really should have been used for repairs on my body instead. I actually still need work on my back and neck, probably jaw also. There may be other internal injuries from past gang banging that may need healing also. My hunch is people owe me more than I owe them. I’m not suing people, I do feel free to guilt trip though! My thinking he is Mexican Donovan’s person, and he helps the Chula Vista people with courthouses and has for decades… and they are actually criminal people, repeat offenders. At least one Mexican Donovan committed himself to messing with my whole life when I was in person as a child.

Originally setting a bail amount had to do with WHAT THE PERSON CAN AFFORD. It wasn’t about entrapment and extortion. They were asking for $250k at the courthouse, with a $20k bond. In my humble opinion, technically they should not have asked for a second bond, just reinstated what had been released that was previously covered/paid for. Above all, I really could only afford maybe a $5k bond at the time I was grabbed originally. It’s worse now.

the ‘wind’ was commenting on their lack of knowing me and reminding people I am not connected, not involved.

I wish to remind people I had temporarily stood in for a migrant/convict leadership female “Steven” adult in the 1970s or early 80s. She collected tens of thousands of dollars from her people to help care for them if they got stuck in jails. She was in her 30s or 40s when I was not even in junior high. This woman knew I could not be “a Steven” myself.

IF Harvey discussed my case BEFORE IT WAS A CASE… He may be in contempt of court and a human trafficker. Just hinting, not all that shines is money.