I want this to be known. If you don’t force people to get into the car, they may never get driven crazy. Conversely, if you force people into a car and force that car to do very abnormal things… you may “drive them crazy”… them… being the people on board. “Car” may or may not be a metal vehicle with wheels.
Now I just fed you some food for thought.
I really should be doing something else than writing a whole lot on a blog site. I have not done this my whole life, so I’m getting caught up. Honestly, I could spend years doing it and I don’t really want to. So I am trying to write up, condense and spend more time doing anything else!
I feel a little crazy. I’ve been physically beat up and/or injured by at least 10 different people in life even before I could ride a bicycle and spell my whole name out. I am not even certain what my original name was before I was allowed to create a “professional Hollywood name” that I gave to a prison special before I was in preschool. By the time I was ten years old I had actually DIED–stopped breathing–and was brought back to life a few times. This is barely the snow dusting the tip of the iceberg. Does this make me Mexican, Russian, Ukrainian, Korean, Japanese or Yugoslavian? I have a feeling I reached levels far above your ordinary U.S. citizen and I AM GLAD. I am retired though. I was REPLACED a long time ago by men, women, children of various gender associations…. they got adopted and spoken to regularly about anything and I got put out of order and into the wilderness, excommunicated. If you don’t believe it, HOW MANY PEOPLE ATTEND MY BIRTHDAY PARTIES? Yah? Huh? What year, you say? Geez. My identity got so stolen while young, the date I use may not be the correct one anyway.