Fundamental Problem About My Spielberg-ness

I may have been pre-chosen to be a “public servant” and not allowed to utilize mafia funds directly and the people attached to them. “Use” in that means as a friend, as a hired employee or employer. I myself was not in need of slaves.

I may have been planned as someone who gets political party and/or purely government people in person throughout my life and then I was not allowed to.

You see, if I had been someone connected with political party people… bigger than me… THEY would be the ones connected to the funding. Effectively, I may have been planned as a WIFE to someone in politics. Using a spouse is very different than stranger from another household.

If I was planned as a WIFE to someone in politics and then never married… it would explain the troubles.

If I were planned as a working political party or government person, I would have gotten WORKPLACES regularly and met with people in person regarding ideas, concepts, agendas, etc.

I appear to have been “married” to more than one group or gang, possibly more than one nation of people through others. It may have caused the piggyback problem and all kinds of crazy looking and behaving spells from a variety of mafia and gangsters.