Rarely do I open up an article about the Governor of California, Gavin Newsom. I came across this today. https://www.ocregister.com/2024/11/25/like-sands-through-the-hourglass-so-are-the-days-of-gavins-political-career/ Not certain if this is ringing the correct bells and sirens about him. I don’t know who all is behind his career and life. Traditionally Californian governors are bright people’s people and the close ties they have within their state actually precludes them from favoritism of the east coast politics. Guess a case in point is Kamala Harris and also Robert Kennedy Jr.‘s running mate Nicole Shanahan. Is it because they are emboldened and grown from roots with the tech and entertainment industries? Makes me wonder!

Dear Mr. Newsom, I know what it is to be in the wilderness and I hope you don’t get banished to it. The article is very correct on how bad it can go. I’ve been in the wilderness for decades and trafficked out of it for short stints and they were mostly painful in some way. What happened to me is some needed me banished and away, and some needed me around now and then to show I was not dead and buried somewhere. If you do get pushed to the wilderness I humbly suggest you create new alliances and find ways to float above it. You’ve been a huge public figure and have a better chance to do it than I did. If you can’t levitate yourself above the [censored] and get stuck small and distanced from all the high places you are welcomed to visit with me in person for a coffee at Starbucks sometime. I am so far removed, the only way someone can get me in person for such a thing is to be someone retired out of the high places. I know you are not perfect, and your best and worst are amplified because you are so high up and forward to the public. Reason I’d do coffee with you is because I know you’ve been puppeted, directed, coached and you’ve had a tough job not anyone can do and that’s why you got it.
There are a lot of critics of the Democratic party and Gavin Newsom. Fine. I don’t always agree or disagree. Being out in the wilderness is hasn’t been my interest to pay much attention to what’s going on in politics and the issues of the California state. Perhaps I have an enlightened attitude about politicians in high places? It seems to me they have a lot of problems to contend with whatever their promised and actual platform of reason and promotion is. Just being a public figure is a tough job. There are so many people pushing and pulling issues, lobbying, threatening, harassing that leadership is never peaceful. I’m impressed politicians get any sleep!
Anyway… Mr. Newsom, is you are reading this… I wish you not to get thrown out into the wilderness if you feel it is not your future. If you do get it, you may be sharing it with a lot of burned out, formerly talented and important people from nations around the world. I doubt the wilderness will throw you away.
My history in political parties? Was told I was born into a Democratic family, then I was adopted by Republicans. I was too trafficked and caught between parties before I was eight years old. Neither party was actually adopting and protecting me well… that I knew of. It appeared the Republicans had money, however they didn’t want me to be an expensive, important person. The Democrats I encountered were low on money all the time and behaved criminal toward and around me. It has caused me to drift and actually lose interest in politics and politicians altogether. I have since tried to focus on issues, people, watching the world turn. My mind is not with a political party at all. I’m actually concerned with the world system of all nations and issues.
I’m small, in the wilderness and not interested in being important somewhere. I like being uncommitted and able to just read about things and comment if I want to. It is my sense of freedom.