Didn’t Make Good Money in Life, I Did Worse Than Anticipated

The ‘wind’ is trying to tell people I was important a long time ago and some traded on it. I was not enabled to be big for a group of people. Real politicians took up ideas that I proposed and they are leaders of people, many peoples. I didn’t get to capitalize on my best ideas. I accept just being allowed to propose them, that my small mind and body were allowed to… were my contributions for my time on Earth. I didn’t have a large bank account to work with myself to contribute funds to places. I got to speak of some ideas, and I also boosted others’ too. That was my work in my early life and I guess people decided I did enough. That’s all they actually wanted and more. I’ve been a small person most of my life. I’ve enjoyed reading about big people on our planet… not just in the U.S.A. I’ve cheered on many innovators and politicians trying to help societies around the world, big and small.

Mostly people wanted me out of play and I still am. There are much better people out in public who can talk broadly and anywhere with clout. I cannot stress this enough. Even in the 1970s+ I saw Mr. Fred Rogers carrying messages to a television audience, as have all forms of professionals on screens big and small. One of my favorites was actually Steve Jobs of Apple, Inc. Bill Gates also just more nerdy in demeanor. Most of my life I’ve loved watching speeches of famous artists, athletes, scholars, scientists and more politicians and political people. There are so many problems and solutions to address on planet Earth we all need many people to KEEP TALKING, KEEP SHARING.

In the U.S.A. Old Joe could have been better. We do have Donald back in office and he is a lovely bold speaker. He has things to say himself, and he too boosts ideas of all kinds of peoples and not just from our country. I have not watched on television, leaders of other countries speaking to their people… or if I have, not much. I assume they too are boosting ideas and ideals of their country. I believe leaders actually do care about what they are leading. It is a bad day when society, even a small part rises up to injure to remove a leader. It means we, us, or they… are to blame in some way for putting them in that spot. To remove a speaker, leader, figurehead it should probably done by administration, not by brute forces.

I’m a very small person who got some rare access to important places in the 1970s and I was quietly big even completely damned by local society gang members. Sadly, I didn’t get to connect well with any leaders most of my life I was actually OUTCAST and in the wilderness, even from friends, real and fake family members.

I’m NOT A GOOD ONE TO COPY CAT. I helped to create some excellent people a long time ago. I was part of a group that did this effort. Please, get them. If they are dead already, please go watch their speeches on archival videos. It is very okay to learn from past leaders in business and politics.

If my life had gone differently, I could have been a local writer and local speaker of all kinds of things. I was getting into far too much trouble too young so I was given a very small life instead. I probably would have been speaking well of people from Silicon Valley as well as entertainment business and politics near and far. My own motivations were about advancing life on Earth for everyone. I was not a paid lobbyist.