Seems the ‘wind’ has been VERY ACTIVE about discussing how a certain San Diegan woman is NOT THE ACTUAL PAYPAL. That is correct. She does NOT own and control a fund that is used to pay off people in workplaces and elsewhere. She was a “fake daughter” for many men and women. As this character, even a small player on the world stage… she could influence, not force people and happenings.
Let me elaborate in two ways. I actually learned this technique(explaining in a variety of ways, different angles) from a German with talented “adopted children” in various fields.*
ONE. That woman got MUGGED for Elon Musk and others in the 1970s while visiting places with a very real Mexican Donovan who had deals with Germans. Meaning, if she WAS a pay pal back then… she lost it before adulthood. Word has been “black people” were hired to MAKE CERTAIN SHE WAS REPLACED. Even Mexican Donovan PROMISED LA JOLLA PEOPLE in the 1970s that he’d get her replaced. She was probably standing in for a Donna who was leaving or was trying to have less work in San Diego County. If she had a fund, it was likely held by adults anyway while she was under-aged. Trouble is, more than one may have simply been a fake relative… which would explain why she was often in poor health growing up, not well cared for at all.
TWO. The money people may still be in HONOLULU, HAWAII (possibly other islands) where she was chased from and is nearly banned from and has been badly injured in. There were at least three… maybe many more homes of various sizes she had stayed at and was replaced by incoming people using her names or partial identities. Rumor has it they were trying to obtain the funds from various Hollywood companies that were “going to pay her off”. She became a name holder, NOT a working corporation executive at any group or company. If there was a fund, she may have been a figure head at it off and on as needed: Rumor is Russians, Ukrainians and more were in and out of the country pretending she was a girlfriend to mess up for money. May be why she was used as a sea hag and should not have been. It did dis-spell the folklore about her being wealthy and not paying people off. Those who witnessed her as a sea hag knew she was part of something much bigger and not the actual wealth holder.
Reminder: People who are true wealth managers DO NOT WANDER AROUND PUBLIC BY THEMSELVES.
*If you really want to get into storytelling and folklore, you may need to watch the film XMEN: First Class and have a look at Sebastian.