I wrote last month about things the U.S. Postal Service can do to boost revenue as it appears to be struggling. Here are some ideas.
- Raise the price of stamps, including the Forever stamp.
- Create a department of the U.S.P.S. that is fully digital and allows for its own levels of encryption for email. Branded, guaranteed to U.S.P.S.
- Create a NEW GOVERNMENT LEVEL postal service with high priority and best security. From post card up to something big like a bicycle?
- Create a NEW CREDIT CARD that benefits the U.S.P.S. and offers special discounts?
- A NEW MEMBERSHIP shipping program for individuals and businesses.
- A re-envisioned partnership with UPS, FEDEX and other services, maybe even Uber and Grubhub for same-day deliveries?
This is a repost and rewrite from scratch because some of my web sites were hacked a couple of weeks ago. I didn’t have an uncorrupted/usable backup of this blog site that included my most recent posts.